The simple stuff - will get you by, but not the whole story
Works at all axe levels
5AA/2A > 5B > 2AB > 22A/B/C/236C/236D
Standard combo against grounded opponents, leading to her strongest options on knockdown
The most standard ending options are 22B midscreen and 236D in corner
Only way to meaty after this is 5A, all other options are not true meaties
Can 2A up to 3 times and this will still work
5AA/2A > 5B > 2AB > 214A > 236236C/D
Higher damage version of the above, used when going for a kill
214A will whiff if opponent is far, so have to super from the sweep instead
Will gain a decent amount of axe level on the final 214A
Can only 2A twice before D super will whiff, C super will always work
(Crouch/airborne) 5AA > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Crouch confirm, but also works in yellow and above on standing
Also can be used to confirm air hits
May need to go 5A > 2B at certain ranges
May need to do 2B > sj.B if opponent is too high up
j.2B > j.BB can done instead of j.B > j.B if close to corner
5AA > 5B > 2AB > 214AB > 22A > md 5AA > spike hit (1) > 2AB > spike hit (2) > [5B] > dc 2AB > 22A/B/C/236C/D/236236C/D
25SP axe gain/corner carry combo
Leads into strong knockdown options, including safejump off the last charge 5B if desired
Need to reach yellow by the time you do the final 2AB, otherwise won't knock down
Better routes exist if going for damage, or you think you can't reach yellow in time
Can't be done at max range unless 5B is omitted
Sweep between spike hits requires some timing, but can be omitted for an easier combo
5AAAAA (5AAA > 214A > 236236C)
Strong corner carry and meter gain, although never ideal due to high proration
Will work against airborne opponents, and if 5AA hits, the rest will too
Do not enter manually - extra meter on 214A only granted on auto combo input
In red axe, will use 236236D instead, so input 236236C if you want C beast
(CH) 5B > 5C > 2C > [BD] > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Standard, but not optimal midscreen punish combo, opponent must be grounded
Won't work at max range of 5B
If not exactly midscreen, may have to use 5A to pickup after [BD]
Start charging dp as soon as the first hit of 2C connects to get the timing correct
In the corner, do j.BB > j.BB > j.C > 214B > 236236D after 2C instead
(CH) 2B > 5DD > 66 > [5B] > 236A > winch dash jc j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Optimal punish, and usually the one you want to go for if you can. 2B does have slightly longer startup and shorter confirm range than the 5B punish, making it slightly more situational
Works on aerial too if they're low (e.g. Aigis or Marie DP recoveries), which means you don't have to wait for opponents to land
Doesn't work as a reliable AA combo as you can't count on CH with Lab's slow 2B, and if they're too high they'll get knocked out of 5DD, so keep it as a punish combo only
Can add a lot of corner carry by dash cancelling [5B] before 236A against most characters
If corner is reached, after winch dash jc, go:
j.A > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Can sj.BB after j.2B if preferred for an easier combo
If close enough, can side-switch by dashing under during 5DD
2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Standard AA combo, no CH required
Adjust if too high by not doing 2nd j.B and/or super jumping
Adjust at the corner by doing j.BB
(AA CH) j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
How to confirm a CH j.B at most heights/ranges against aerial opponents
Depending on circumstances, may need to confirm with (dash) 5A > 2B or sj.C instead
AoA~C > j.B > j.B > j.C > 214B > 236236C/D
Midscreen standard AoA combo. not much to be said about this
(Corner) AoA~D > IAD j.2B > 7 dl j.BB > dl j.D(3) > [5B] > 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236C/D
High damage and axe/SP meter gain, not to be sniffed at
Only need to be close enough to corner to land next to the opponent in the corner after IAD j.2B
The first j.2B is very slightly delayed
Do not dash before [5B], as this reduces consistency of 5DD
Final j.BB doesn't work in green or below, instead just go j.BB > j.214B after ~D
D beast is near frame perfect, if you're worried about dropping, do a single j.BB as in the above point
(CH corner) 2B > 5DD > (66) [5B] > 5D > (66) 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Corner punish - incredible damage and axe gain
Remember to dash after the first 5DD, and you can optionally dash after the second 5D too, which may help timing on some characters
You will need to delay either the 5B or the 2AB very slightly for this link to connect - this varies by both character and distance to corner due to how hurtboxes and 5D works, so practice it a lot and get a feel for it. The second optional dash can help with this timing.
Keep the opponent as high as possible from sweep (i.e. do it as early as possible without it whiffing) to prevent the second 5DD from dropping
Can sj.BB after j.2B for an easier combo
(Corner) 5AA > 5B > 2AB > 214AB > 236C > 66 > (orb hit) > 7 dl j.2B > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236C/D
25SP corner route, will usually get Labrys to red axe, or very close to it
2AB must be delayed slightly to land, and you should dash cancel 236C for consistency
The more you delay j.2B, the more time you have to land [5B]
Yellow must be reached before j.BB, if not, do not do the second j.BB
If instead going for a setup, do ~D > [5B] > 236D > whiff j.A > j.B for a safejump
You have to be pretty deep in the corner for this to work as it relies on 236C catching them directly from 214AB. If you notice you're not close enough, you can dash cancel 236C into 2A then [5B] immediately, or omit the 5B at the start to close the distance
236C > (orb hit) does not work on Teddie, so use 2A after 236C as in the above bullet point
Yellow axe and above
5AAA > sh j.2B > 66 > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Works as long as enemy isn't too high (i.e. works if autocombo works)
Will get you to red without C super
Strong corner carry and decent damage
(CH) 2B > 5DD > 66 > [5B] > 236A > winch dash jc j.A > j.BB > 7 dl j.2B > (md) 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Punish route in yellow
Effectively a red axe route, but it works in yellow, and you only need yellow from the charge 5B!
Tight timing as you have to do the dl j.2B very late, but consistent if done correctly
Can add a lot of corner carry by dash cancelling [5B] before 236A
Will work from empty spike or sweep > spike too!
Red axe only
5AA > 5B > sh j.B > md 5AAA > sh j.2B > 66 > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Near optimal that can be done midscreen meterless, with strong meter gain and damage
You will reach a corner, but requires opponent to be grounded
Cannot be done at max 5A range (omit the first 5AA loop or use the shorter damage route)
Careful with how you adjust when reaching the corner, as proration is very high near the end of this (most that can be done from j.B starter is j.BB > j.BB > j.214B (3308 damage, +43SP)
5AA > 5B > 236A~A > 214B > 236236C/D
Short damage route, simple and easy, will always work against a grounded opponent no matter what
4974 damage with D beast (5321 on j.B starter)
(Corner) 5A(A) > 2B > 9 j.BB > jc dl j.2B > 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > 214B > 236236C/D
Corner confirm, gives over 50SP by itself and will do 6.8k with D beast, no CH required
Note that there is no j.C at the end as this will cause it to drop
Can be done with j.B starter, but the execution requirements become a little tighter, and doing 5A instead of 5AA does more damage
Delay the first jump cancel from 2B and the first air jump cancel from j.BB to make things connect more easily and get both hits of 5D
(FC) 2B > dl j.2B > 66 > 5D > (md) 2AB > ~D > md [5B] > 2C > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236D
Mid-to-corner fatal counter/ToD
Gains over 50SP, does OVER 9000 damage if done correctly (therefore a true Touch of Death against some characters), and over 9500 with a simple OMB extension
See in-depth combo guide for how to adjust to certain scenarios
See the page about using 214B in the corner for optimal ToD variants
Microdash on 2AB optional, but does help get you closer to corner and can help if 5D hits far
Works from FC j.B > 5A, but will do less damage the more you have done before 2B
2C pickup more picky on certain characters due to differences in groundslide hurtboxes, notable difficult characters are Margaret, Yukari, Chie, Liz, and Junpei. The higher the character on [5B] hit, the easier the pickup is. Can hold [5B] a little longer to help with this
(FC, Corner) 2B > dl 2C > dl 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > 7 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236326C/D
Gains over 50SP and also does over 9000 damage if done correctly
Try to keep the opponent as high as possible during 5D > 2AB to make sure the 5D follow-up hits correctly
Can be done from j.B and/or 5A, but will need to omit j.C if these are used to start the combo, and will reduce the damage
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