System mechanics and information
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[27F Startup / 4F Active / 33F Recovery / -18 On Block]
Hits overhead, faster than A guillotine if close
Guard point from frame 10-27, does not have CH recovery
Use sparingly as a way of varing the rhythm of your pressure, or calling out mash in specific places
Hits less far than the axe goes, and has less range than 5B, be careful using this after longer range normals
Weak confirm into knockdown midscreen, excellent damage in the corner (above 3.5-4k meterless, over 5k with meter)
Can technically be confirmed into on combo, but is never optimal to do so
9500 health (average)
Struggles harder than most to enter awakening willingly due to very slow dp
21F backdash (fast, but short), 1-6F invuln
System standard roll/guard cancel roll
System standard short hop
Decent options with j.2B available, and air guillotine to hit high
60% combo rate (tied lowest in game, means damage is front-loaded, also means enemy burst returns relatively quickly)
Low jumps and short airdashes, not floaty at all
Poor as movement, but allows for simple safejump and keeps Labrys close to the ground for IABD/IAD
Notably different to Shadow Labrys, who is the opposite
3 persona cards
Quite problematic in 2.5, very easy to get persona broken
But equally, comes back quickly, and Labrys can usually combo without a persona, and neutral is mostly unaffected