Pressure basics

The mid dispenser is here!


Labrys is all about making your opponent sweat, not particularly by using nasty tools and setups, but instead by playing a patient yet aggressive game that will wear an opponent down until they trip up. She will struggle to open up anyone who knows her pressure well, or if she gets predictable, so make sure to use her full moveset and cancel options.

Labrys also lacks the ability to create extended blockstrings (case in point - 5AA > 5B is not a blockstring when instant blocked), and therefore needs to be careful against opponents who are trigger happy with reversals. However, if you correctly call these out, the damage Labrys gets from proper punishes more than makes up for this. Equally, there are multiple options that naturally frametrap and these can be confirmed into very high damage.

If opponents are carelessly using reversals, her best option is usually just to block when you think a dp is coming - as most of her normals are better than -10 (most dps have 10 startup or more), this will deal with most meterless reversals. 5A and 2A are good candidates to block after, as well as 236A due to their better frame data. Her jump cancels can also be used from 5A and 2B (and brake) to allow for stronger ability to block or get out the way. 5B backdash works similarly, although will put you at quite a distance. Depending on the character, you may also simply by able to outrange DPs (e.g. vs Akihiko, Yukiko, Ken), either by using longer normals, or by using blockstrings that distance you such as 5B > 5C or 5B > 236A.

With that in mind, Labrys, also remember that keeping people blocking is to Labrys' advantage, as her axe level will increase, and in red axe she will do significant chip damage. Therefore, it is important to keep opponents in a state where there are no clear points where they can leave. This often means not going for highs/lows/grabs, but instead smartly utilising mids, frametraps and pressure resets with a few mixups here and there once you have a decent read on how your opponent is blocking/mashing/using reversals.

Key notes on Labrys

  • Her frame data is worse than average, so be very mindful of exactly what you press, and use her range to your advantage

  • Her throw requires you to be closer than optimal pressure range (although can be done as a tick throw from 2A if close enough). However, it can also be done from dash cancels. The fact that you will be approaching to grab can condition opponent to grab/OS in response to you being closer than normal, at which point you can punish that behaviour

  • Returning to neutral isn't a terrible outcome for Labrys most of the time, so don't be afraid to block/backdash out if you feel a reversal is coming

  • Learn what ways you can frametrap and what can be done on counterhit - for example the 5AA > 5B frametrap can lead to a full punish combo!

Last updated