Optimising axe gain
Once you are very comfortable with your routing options, it is worth considering how you choose to end rounds if the match isn't over. Her axe level is key to her gameplay, and is one of the few resources outside of burst that carry over between rounds, which makes this a very unique consideration. However, never risk dopping a combo or getting hit by a blue burst to optimise axe gain, it isn't worth it.
C and SB beast comparisons
The first and major point is around the use of C and SB beast - to get their bonuses, you have to get the final hits, and if the enemy health is low enough, this won't happen (as axe level cannot be changed after the round is over, with the exception of supers that set the axe to 0). Therefore, if you're only hitting with the first hit on either, you are gaining no axe level by doing so. Sometimes this is necessary for longer combos where OMC is too risky, but the following points should be considered:
C and SB beast both do the same damage in total and do not give axe meter on the first hit
However, C beast gives 300 axe meter on the second and third hits (total 600), where SB beast gives 100 per hit on the second hit and beyond (total 1100/1200)
The base damage of the first two hits of C beast is 1800 (1200 + 600), but SB beast does 1200 + 250 + 125*12. This means it will take around 4 extra hits to reach the same damage level
Effectively - if they're only just going to survive the first hit, use C, otherwise either is fine
And obviously, the full beast is necessary (or you're not even sure if it's enough), go for SB for both the extra damage* and greater axe level
*see the page on SB beast for info on it doing slightly more in some scenarios
Combo extensions/adjustments
If however, you are able to combo more, consider the following:
A double hit A guillotine (e.g. 214A after sweep) grants 210 (30 + 90 + 90) axe level, which is a lot more than 0 if the opponent dies to the first hit of beast
Equally, OMC 2B is 150 in itself, with even more on 5AA > 2B > ...
We can imagine a situation where the choice is between 5AA > 5B > 2AB > 236236C(1) and 5AA > 5B > 2AB > 214A > OMC > 5A > 2B to end a round. The latter gains 440 (210 + 70 + 150) over the 0 of the first. This is an extreme (but possible) example, but shows how important this consideration is
Removing non-axe moves from combos (e.g. 5Ds, j.As, or j.Cs) also helps axe level, as your axe level still decreases even if you're actively comboing your opponent. Therefore, not doing a 5D route if you don't need to, or leaving out a j.C if you don't need it to kill, can be a good idea
Axe level also decreases during gaps in your combo, so if you have a faster kill route available, use it. An example of this is going for j.BB > j.BB > ... over j.BB > dl j.2B > ..., where you'll save precious frames of axe level if the extra damage isn't necessary.
As a final point, remember the kara cancels available in the axe gain combos in the mid and corner screen for that little bit of extra axe level.
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