Red axe dl sh j.2B routes
The dark arts
Last updated
The dark arts
Last updated
It is actually possible to confirm into 5D midscreen in red axe without the need for a fatal counter - however doing so requires a very specific delay hop j.2B, that has no real way of timing it, and will lead to a very sad drop if you get it wrong. Also note that this can only be done in a stable manner against grounded/very close to the ground opponents, and the higher they are on 5A hit, the less stable this combo becomes. That being said - it does seem like it's possible to grind the timing for grounded opponents, and this route gives 6.2k damage meterless from a further-than-midscreen j.B hit as long as you can confirm with 5A. So - here are the combos:
Lowest damage variant, but only needs to be used if your back is to the wall
Still, 3.6k and +37SP from a j.B starter isn't bad (5.8k on D beast usage)
Allows for OMC > 2B > ... or 214AB > 214B for extra damage
Slightly more than a microdash before 5DD
Must do the dash cancel from [5B] and must reach the wall before full 236A range otherwise this will whiff
Can just j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B, but this will do slightly less damage and gain slightly less SP than the delayed jump cancel that allows for an extra j.BB
Requires corner to be reached during the dash cancel, but is the highest damage variant
Some characters will require you to be deeper in the corner than others (Chie, Liz, Margaret, Marie, Junpei, Yukari), but if you reach the corner it will always be possible
Again, the triple j.BB at the end can be replaced with j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B for an easier combo that does slightly less and gains less meter
If close enough to the corner to do a 2nd 5D directly after [5B], then that route should be used instead (see yellow axe midscreen specific screen position combo in Meterless combo routing)
If you've actually reached the corner after 5AAA, you should instead use the yellow axe corner 5AAA combo found here. Equally if you are able to have 5D hit after [5B] as you're close to the corner, use this route instead.
These are possible from yellow with fatal counter (including on chain knuckle starter), and this will always allow for the winch dash jump cancel. It will also allow for the 2C > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D route if corner is reached early enough.
Both the chain knuckle and 2C variants can be converted into safejumps by using falling j.2B > [5B] > 236D > whiff j.A > j.B after the first j.B. C beast can also be used for a safejump.
Do note that if you get a fatal or intend to use OMB and have meter, use the fatal confirm or short red axe confirm respectively instead.