Fuzzy setups
Credit to Elusive Jump for this one
Last updated
Credit to Elusive Jump for this one
Last updated
To briefly explain what is meant by "fuzzy" (short for "fuzzy overhead" here):
Normally, a blocking character stands when blocking high, and crouches when blocking low
Therefore, it is usually only possible to hit a blocking character high if your attack would reach them in their crouching state
However, if an opponent blocks an attack high, their character remains standing unless they leave blockstun or they get hit again, even if they change their input to be a low block
In this way, if you can set up a blockstring from a high into another high, it is possible to hit an opponent in their standing pose despite them blocking low on the second hit
Using this, you can set up situations where you hit an opponent with a high so that they are standing, then either jump again for another high (that only hits because you can hit them in their standing pose), or land and 2A. This will be so fast (9-11 frames approx) that it's effectively an unreactable 50/50.
With improved startup on j.A, it is now possible to do fuzzy setups with Labrys as she can hit the taller characters with rising j.As if they are standing. The main methods of achieving this are detailed below:
From a [5B] that puts your opponent in the corner, you can cancel into 22X and IAD j.B after. This will both safejump the opponent and force them to block high into the spike's blockstun. This can be done from any [5B], including the second one in a combo, as long as the groundslide occurs. Careful if you hit the [5B] and the opponent is very high, as you may then need to delay the IAD j.B.
Depending on who you're facing, you now have a couple of options:
Input a 9 jump into an immediate j.A. This is only available on tall characters, but it the strongest option as it's an unreactable high. DO NOT walk forward before doing j.A (in fact, you should be holding back from the safejump), as this will make it whiff on some characters.
From here, immediately j.B to confirm. In yellow and below, you will then be forced to j.C > j.214B, and you can extend this with either OMC or OMB for good damage. In red, you can land after the j.B and 5A to confirm, then do a modified red axe combo (remove any extra moves you would normally do between 5D and 5DD) for good meterless damage, or just OMB/OMC anyway if you have the resource advantage
Do an IAD j.A. Not as good as option 1, as the high here is a lot slower and the air dash in the IAD should be done slowly for a more consistent confirm, but this is still an incredibly nice setup.
After this, confirm via j.B (which you can do if you either have perfect timing on the IAD j.A, or you gave yourself some wiggle room by air dashing late) into near full combo. j.A > j.B as a starter is slightly weaker than direct j.B, but not by much, so don't be afraid to fully confirm.
Do a 2A on landing. As people will naturally block low as you land, only necessary once your opponent starts seeing the fuzzy coming, and given how new this tech is and how rare Labrys players are, you'll never really need to do this against tall characters. Just remember it exists if you've been abusing the fuzzy setup a little too much and option 1 stops working.
Other ways to do a fuzzy are:
From a 2AB > 22X setup, a single jump into j.B that gets blocked allows for rising j.A on tall characters. Any other situation where 22X gets blocked high works.
This isn't a safejump, so can get rolled/reversaled, but works well if opponent is conditioned
Can even jump towards without attacking, which may cause a high block anyway, or allow you to react to the roll and block reversals
Single jump into either j.B or j.A just above the ground, then either:
jump again and j.A to hit high (then as in option 1 above)
2A to hit low, confirm as normal
Also possible from 5A if the opponent blocks it standing
Immediately j.A for the high (then as in option 1 above)
Sweep for the low
Guillotine axe (and air guillotine, although the final hit isn't actually a high) into OMC j.A
Another level of high/low, since you can threaten OMC 2A on both the first and second hit of guillotine. Best done from the second though as they have to block that high (although you'll drop if you did hit them)
Currently, the known characters that a rising j.A will hit are:
Chie** ***
Yukiko* **
*For these characters, you will have to delay j.C slightly to confirm into 214B. This is tight in green, but relatively easy above green. Alternatively, just do j.B > j.214A, but this is a lot less damage. Also, on CH, the follow up j.B will whiff unless you delay it due to their CH hurtboxes being low, but this only matters outside of fuzzy setups (e.g. throw baits or as a knockdown option).
**Requires near frame perfect rising j.A to connect.
***Only tall enough while blocking i.e. can be fuzzied but will not get hit by rising j.A normally unless blocking something else
There are a couple characters that rising j.A will hit but not while blocking (Yukari, Aigis). You cannot fuzzy them but rising j.A may work in other scenarios.
While fuzzies are not essential for beginner players, this is something worth knowing about if you want to push your game to the next level, and the list above includes some prime targets that you'll want every edge that you can take. Even against other characters, if you see your opponent isn't great at blocking high, try option 2 and see if it'll work.
Confirming optimally via option 1 is a bit tricky (for option 2 and 3, just use your j.B/2A confirms) and depends what resources you have on-deck and/or are willing to spend and risk getting bursted. Here's the general logic for (near) optimal confirming.
Always start with this
On Marie/Mitsuru, j.C is slightly delayed
With no resources, the combo ends here
For when you have lots of meter but no OMB, or your opponent has burst and you don't want to trade
If you're still in green by the j.2B, you'll have to sj.BB instead of double j.BB at the end
Highest damage option, and while a 2nd 5D loop can be done from j.2B by using a 7 jump, it's usually not worth the 300 extra damage. If you want to go for it, do: 7 dl j.2B > 5D (2) > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236D, requires yellow
(no OMB or meter) ... > 5A > 2B > 9 j.BB 7 dl j.2B > 5D(2) > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236D
j.B > 5A is tight, but is simple enough to do if you're ready for it
Yes this is just the corner 5A confirm in red, but the starter means you have to do it perfectly
Will get you around 7k meterless, but does it slowly
The route you'll want to go if you're going to kill and have OMB and some meter ready to spend
Does 8.5k and requires 22sp on j.A to get beast at the end
9k reachable if you do: 7 dl j.2B > 5D (2) > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236D on the end, however you need to hit with the top 5D first otherwise proration will take you under 9k
4.2/5.3k if you C/D beast from 214B, so consider this for fast damage