Use of OMC
As C beast now increases axe level and gives strong knockdown, OMC is not as strong of an option as it used to be, however is still decent to increase damage if you have 100 meter, or as a way to get closer to the corner while increasing axe level. With the j.2B changes, there are also new routes that can be done from j.214B.
From grounded combos
If doing a grounded combo, you typically OMC into a standard 2B route - as of 2.5 this is after 214A (due to a proration decrease on the move), although OMC after 2AB can work too. Sometimes 5AA can be used before 2B for a quicker/easier combo (and must be used after B chain knuckle follow up). Some examples are:
5AA > 5B > 2AB > 214A > OMC > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Optimal midscreen in green, and will work from j.B or auto combo
Will do slightly more damage than the SB route, but much less tight on proration and gains more axe level
Can do j.2B > j.BB in corner, but note that this does less damage than the SB corner route (i.e in corner, don't OMC ground routes)
Works from 5AAA > OMC too
In red axe, can be done from the short grounded route
(Corner) 5AAA > s.h j.C > OMC > [5B] > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236D
Corner route, good for meter dumping and axe gain (full green to red)
If yellow not reached before j.2B, do j.BB > jc j.C after only
25SP route does the same damage and axe gain, but you have to start it closer to the corner
Grab > OMC > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Optimal grab confirm (unless CH red axe)
5A > 2B for easier route but lower damage
j.2B > j.BB if corner reached
(Corner) Grab > OMC > 2A > 5B > 236A > winch dash j.A > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > sj.BB > j.C > j.214B
Slight damage/axe gain increase due to corner
(Red, Corner) Grab > OMC > 2B > dl j.BB > dl 7 dl j.2B > 5DD > [5B] > dc 2C > sj.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Can be slightly away from the corner, use a 9 jump initially
Does ~3900 damage (above combo does ~3600 in red)
Note the need for 5DD directly, and 2C > sj.BB link is very tight
From aerial combos
In general, if you are intending to OMC then grounded routes will usually end up being better midscreen, however if you do end up in an aerial route (e.g you've AA'd someone with a 2B), then note the following option:
(e.g. 2B > sj.B) ... > j.C > j.214B > (ground slam) > OMC > 5A > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Standard AA OMC extension, decent way to burn meter to kill
OMC > 2B is possible and does more damage, but won't work if there's any major proration, can 5A > 2B instead for an easier combo,
You can also consider the new j.2B wallbounce routes . The main one to note is:
(e.g. 2B > sj.B) ... > j.C > j.214B (first hit only) > OMC > dl j.2B > 66 > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Works anywhere on screen as long as there isn't a wall on screen behind you, although if you don't reach a corner, just do ... > j.B > j.B > j.C > ... instead
Delay j.2B enough to be close to the ground when it hits for easier pickup
Need to be very close to ground and low proration for this to work in green
In yellow and above, is much easier to connect at any height
If too far from corner, can pick up with j.A > j.B > j.B instead, good corner carry this way
Double OMC route
On the off chance you have 150sp and hit a grounded opponent, the following route that uses both the grounded and aerial techniques is possible:
(150sp) 5AA > 5B > 2AB > 214A > OMC > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B (first hit only) > OMC > dl j.2B > 66 > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Only optimal if green/low yellow, as in red, doing a full red route into double beast is better (and may get you to 150sp in the first place)
Does approx 5.7k spending D beast if red is reached, works from j.B too
Must reach yellow before j.2B, but this happens even from neutral axe level
Special notes
On counterhit j.B near the corner, it is possible to enter 5D corner loops with OMC. While tricky, the reward is potentially very high (5k+ in green) - so to demonstrate one possible route for this:
(CH) j.B > rejump > j.A > j.BB > 7 dl j.C > j.214B (first hit only) > OMC > dl j.2B > md 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236C/D
Extremely hard to do, but will net you 6-7k if landed
Do 5DD for the first 5D loop for an easier combo or if opponent too high
Yellow or higher needed for second j.BB
Requires very low proration to start, above combo is pretty much the maximum it can take. Best starter would be CH 2B > dl j.BB into 7 dl j.C, then go from there (7K, ~76SP), consider doing this on successful OS bait with 2B
In red, can be done anywhere on the screen if the proration is low enough (one or two hits allowed, best done from 2B)
After any C beast, OMC can be used to combo, although care must be taken due to the heavy proration of C beast itself. The two possibilities are:
... > 236236C > OMC > 8 j.C > j.214B > 236236D
For shorter combos or raw C beast
Extra jump to confirm the combo better, timing is a bit strange
For slightly longer combos, do not j.C, and it will not knock down either
... > 236236C > OMC > 44 > 236236D
Will work almost no matter what
Doing it too quickly may result in an awkward 236236D hit that doesn't connect with all hits
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