Beary rare, but beary deadly
Combo notes
Health: 9,500
Very weird hurtbox - get used to different timings on 5D
Midscreen 214AB combo requires you to be closer than normal for it to connect
Corner 214AB combo requires ... > 214AB > 236C > 2A > (orb hit) > [5B] > ...
Unique responses and punishes
Chest attribute, so can be swept (as a read, it's 12f and has way more range than Lab's). On IB only, 5B self gatling can be swept. Is frame perfect. Consider rolling or IAD'ing over it on read.
Extremely fast, but equally doesn't autocorrect so you can force a wrong direction by being low and crossing up. Also heavy recovery on whiff, so can be baited.
5A/AA or 2B into IAD j.B
Upback grab works at close and far ranges, at mid ranges this will whiff, but allows for falling j.B
Can be head invulned via 2B to take the card
Air AoA
Can hold 2B to invuln through, handy to deal with potential anti-AA use of this move.
Max range 5A or further can trigger it safely, as can a LATE j.B safejump. If you attack into it and spot you're going to trigger it and get hit, can cancel into DP to go roughly even. On safe trigger by a fast recovering normal, do upback > airturn > airdash j.2B for a fatal punish.
SB Chain knuckle for full fatal punish. You cannot evade this with movement, and roll doesn't make you plus enough to punish. Remember that his grounded teleport allows hit to attack and block at the same time, so just move out the way or cover the space with an attack/trap if you can.
Item throw super
13f recovery after flash, very hard to punish and have to watch the items, so be careful if you try.
As explosion can be controlled, no punish available on block. Beast and gears can work after flash if positioned correctly.
Nihil hand
Roll and 2B CH punish
Circus bear
Unblockable. C appears from front and D from behind, you can't tell which from the startup, so super jump and use j.C if you need to delay. SB does C then D. Dp if you can't move out the way in time. To punish, move to where Teddie started the move, and hit him as he falls from the sky after the move is done. After SB this takes a while before he falls.
On hitting items
Tennis items (muscle drink, salt neo, mystery food X) can be hit with physical moves, and this counts as a blocked attack so you can cancel off these hits. Persona normals won't hit these (they are projectile invuln), nor will 5A if the items are on the ground. Hitting all other destructible items can be done with strikes or projectiles, but it'll count as a whiff.
Item notes
Flying robots (green/red) - destructible at any point (whiff), care of red's trajectory.
Salt Neo can - tennis item, grab for SP
Muscle drink - tennis item, hit into opponent to cause rage
Mystery food X - tennis item, hit into oppponent to cause fear + poison
Air bomb - not interactable, get out the way, air unblockable
Hopping robot - destructible (whiff)
Oil drum - can't be destroyed, can be rolled between hits, hits as it falls too
Key - pick up to nullify, on Teddie picking up, bike appears twice, even on Teddie getting hit
Firecracker - destructible (whiff) projectiles only, incl j.C, j.D, 5C, 5D. Common first item with Teddie j.D
Ice - destructible (whiff), projectiles only
Ninja robot - destructible (whiff) but cannot be destroyed once invisible
Pinwheel - cannot interact
Shocking round robot - destructible (whiff) before hitting ground. Can be hit (counts as block) once it hits the ground but will immediately start shocking, so can 2B > IAD over it
Ball lightning pan - cannot interact, move out the way Bucket - cannot be stopped once thrown
Overview and tips
Dustloop page here
As you can see from the massive list above, this is a very unique matchup. Thankfully, due to the nerfs Teddie receieved between 1.0 and 2.5, as long as you know your stuff and stay calm, Labrys does stand a decent chance here. Specifically, a lot of Teddie's items can now be destroyed by attacking into them, which makes aggression the name of the game here, and as long as you're not obvious about it, this is what Labrys wants to do anyway.
Neutral is all about not letting Teddie get any room to breathe, which he'll use to bring out items and win neutral without having to content with your normals. If you manage that, you'll just have to deal with his good, but not amazing, midrange. While his 2B is good, the damage on CH isn't very high without meter, and his air normals, while fast and active, aren't large (with the exception of his j.C, which is huge but incredibly slow). On the ground, he has access to a very similar 5A to Labrys, as well as 5B that serves as excellent midrange that Lab can't compete with on the ground. That being said, IAD j.B takes Lab over his 5B, and it can be swept too. keep your options varied and you have a chance of winning.
Pressure here is interesting - both character are slightly lacking in defence - Teddie's fastest button is his 6F 2A, but it doesn't have much range, and as mentioned before, both characters have very similar 7f 5As. His DP is a good counter, but it doesn't have all too much range or direct threat (the rage it applies is scary but in general you're ok to just jump away and let it run out), and outside of awakening he doesn't have a great super reversal option (Tomahawk works but is janky). When it's Teddie's turn to pressure, he gets to have a bit of a field day due to his multi hit attacks and ability to get around Lab DP, but he lacks a high outside of AoA (yes even his j.A and j.B do not hit high). The main thing to watch for is his ability to do left-right/throw mix, and the item-enhanced mix that he can get. Be aware of the aerial AoA too, which can both cross you up, hit high, and act as an anti-AA.
One final note - SB TV is a full screen option that hits everywhere
Some final quirks that you'll notice in Teddie players that you can exploit:
Common first move is upback j.D, which will throw a firecracker - you can either IAD j.B or IABD j.D to deal with this.
Throws are common when you are under barrel, bike or anything that is about to force you to block, this is because mental stack makes teching harder, and even on tech he'll keep his turn
SB TV is common when they are on high meter, be ready and roll/SB chain for a nice punish
If you make him eat the muscle drink, there is a higher chance he will DP (same goes for you though, so don't get baited)
Main adjustments to make
Orb can work here, but remember that Teddie uses space and time better than you do (to throw out times), so don't spend too much time doing this, and keep the pressure up.
When it comes to safejumping - Teddie's DP comes out frame 5 after the counter is triggered, meaning for a normal C beast j.B safejump to work, you need to delay the j.B. You may wish to use j.2B instead with the same timing that you'd normally j.B.
Lab DP isn't amazing here - lots of Teddie pressure is jump cancellable and is multi-hit, but the longer range stuff is slightly more vulnerable. Teddie's DP is the opposite - when you're close, it's a strong threat, but it can't hit Lab if she's at a decent range (anything max 5A range or further is safe, or even max range 2A if you cancel into 5B immediately, which you can do on 5A too if you're not at max range). If you do get DP'd, be ready for rage shenanigans, often it's safest just to back off.
Oki in general works normally on Teddie, his DP isn't usually active enough to deal with orb or spike's slowness, but you can block it like normal pretty safely even if he tries it, just be ready with the unique punish. If you can stay ranged, you can even beat his DP with things like max range 5A or sweep.
j.B is in general decent here - will both be a good threat and destroy some items on your way in. Teddie's 2B is strong, but can be beaten both with delays and low crossups. Also, be careful using it to chase him, as Teddie j.C is great at covering the space in front of him for a very long time, with big damage on CH.
Chain knuckle is solid here, you can catch Teddie throwing items with it, and often take a persona card. SB works especially well and even gets you a fatal counter against SB TV attempts, make sure you present it as a threat, just don't overuse it because it's still awful on whiff.
Gears is in general fine here - Teddie's punishes exist but aren't great, even with meter (although both his awakening supers do work to beat it).
j.D is a solid way to zone, but again not an ideal use of time. Can block certain items though which is nice
Last updated