Don't get hit - the matchup
Combo notes
Health: 9,500
Difficult to pick up with 2C in the corner. 2C pickup will work normally if she is high enough on [5B].
Fuzzy target (rising j.A only connects while blocking, needs to be frame-perfect)
Can airturn air guillotine to cause groundbounce
Unique responses and punishes
5C > 2C
After 2C, can (md) 5A to take a persona card, only beaten by black spot specifically
SB Herculean Strike
Is +3, but is chest attribute so can be swept
SB Black spot
Is armoured, DP it (all black spots are projectile+chest too so can be swept, but not advised against SB)
D Agneyastra
SB chain knuckle and winch in if in range SB beast if closer than 3/4 screen C beast if closer than half screen
God's hand (any version)
Roll into microdash 2B punish (fatal route) On block is only -16, so have to IB for strong punishes, otherwise just 5A punish
Power charge
A version is 0 after flash, so just wait it out and don't try to punish
DP in your pressure
5A > 2B will autobait with clash if spaced
Spaced 5B/2B/guillotine won't get you hit 5A > jump cancel also allows block Rising j.A will trigger it, either airturn dash or B chain to punish
DP in response to your DP
C Beast
Overview and tips
Dustloop page here
As with most matchups, games against Chie can be very momentum based - if Labrys controls neutral or gets a good knockdown, it's hard for Chie to contest her range, but if Chie gets in and is able to run her own pressure, there's very little Labrys can do. Overall, definitely one you want to play slow as Labrys as Chie can't really do much to you for setting up full screen.
Heavy use of Orb, retreating j.Ds, or even pre-emptive 5Ds will help keep things in your favour. Chie's 2B isn't that good relative to other characters at 10 frames, overhead invuln from frame 8. It also only has 2 active frames, and despite the good vertical range, doesn't have great horizontal range. Combined with a dash, has the potential to catch you if you're not careful, but otherwise isn't a great answer to well-placed j.Bs from Labrys, so as long as you're not too predictable, feel free to throw it out there. Note that her persona normals are now better than before due to the general persona buffs this version, but they must still be used pre-emptively to be able to hit Labrys.
Pressuring Chie is usually not too problematic - while she has a 5 frame 5A, it has very short range so shouldn't be a major consideration unless going for close resets or grabs. Her DP will also whiff if you're far away from her, and although hard to bait and impossible to punish on reaction, can get her hit during resets or frame punish/natural gaps in pressure. On the other side, Chie can almost infinitely pressure you with her -1 5 frame 5A, as your only option is to get a grab in, or instant block to attempt a frame perfect 5A of your own, although at that point she can also cancel into other moves. If you are under pressure, it's best to be patient and wait for a bait or larger gap to attempt an escape.
In general, most Chie players these days will be playing Shadow due to the ability to do up to 8k unburstable from practically any hit. This doesn't really change much apart from the need to watch for Agneyastra and the general risk reward of DP/being careless.
Final note: Chie specifically allows for unique combos due to the fact that if you are facing away from her duing j.C > j.214B, it will cause a groundbounce fairly consistently. The suggested method for this is to air turn j.C > j.214B, then j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C >j.214B (or j.BBs in corner). This makes the crouch confirms and the midscreen yellow axe combos much better - so remember to use these if you get the chance.
Some final quirks that you'll notice in Chie players that you can exploit:
Roundstart black spot is common, and can be rolled/swept for a punish (it's both projectile and chest attribute)
After a blocked skull cracker, some Chie players will attempt SB black spot as it has armour and fatal counters. You can either DP this (can be cancelled due to Labrys armour) or microdash grab if you're feeling ballsy. Note that any sort of mash will get caught by C black spot
Herculean strike will often get caught by low committal moves like retreating j.B or IABD j.D, so don't commit too hard if you feel one coming. Will usually happen if the Chie player is long range and has meter to burn.
If a Chie uses D Agneyastra (meteors coming towards you, full screen), you can SB chain knuckle in response for a free way in if they're in range, and they will usually dash in after using the super anyway. SB beast can also punish Agneyastra from surprisingly far away.
Chie players are generally impatient - take advantage of this and don't be afraid to spend time full screen setting up
Shadow Chies will often go for a grab when within kill range (6-7k if Shadow burst is available) - be ready to tech
md 5C is common from Chie after a grab tech - either md 5A or roll 5A to punish this
Main adjustments to make
Use orb early and often when given the chance, but be aware that Chie has very fast run speed, so can be on top of you before you know it.
Safejump will work on Chie, and while it will trigger her DP, as long as you block low on landing (no idea why this hits low) you will either block or make the counter whiff, and she can only cancel into Agneyastra in the air. To punish, wait until she's over you then dash up and 2B for a full punish.
Using DP is risky due to low recovery on most of Chie's moves, and her ability to DP back, however the dp repsonse timing is quite tight, which you can throw off with a little bit of charging on your DP, just don't hold it too long. Note that if she dp'd your dp, you can respond with C beast and there's very little she can do.
Note that Chie actually has time to DP then block before spike hits her, so you'll have to do something to hit her late, such as 214A or delayed sweep, if you want a spike punish, but this will give you a fatal counter. Can also just max range 5B to bait the DP cleanly.
Use j.B freely, and try to make sure you're moving horizontally (air dash) to be less likely to get caught by Chie 2B
Chain knuckle doesn't have too much use in this matchup outside of ignoring D Agneyastra, but can catch her doing herculean strike or running up carelessly. Use with caution.
Chie doesn't have too many good ways of dealing with gears - she can trade using God's hand and IK, but her other options include air delays into j.C, which are possible but hard to do. Try to determine if your opponent knows how to do this and adjust accordingly
j.D is generally strong in this matchup, just be aware that SB Herculean Strike is projectile invuln, so will ignore it and all of your other zoning tools - it can be swept however as it is chest attribute.
Last updated