Meterless combo routing
Green axe (and below/above)
2A/5AA > 5B > 2AB > [knockdown option/236236C/D]
Standard BnB that will work in literally any situation, as long as 2A/5A connects
Main way to reach knockdown options (22A/B/C, 236C/D)
Can 2A up to 3 times and this will still work
2A/5AA > 5B > 2AB > 214A > [236236C/D]
Damage option if opponent isn't crouching
2AB > 214A requires opponent to be quite close, if opponent is too far, revert to the combo above
Can only 2A twice before D super will whiff, C super will always work
(Crouch/aerial) 5AA > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Crouch confirm and aerial confirm that will do slightly higher damage than the combos above
If the corner is reached, do j.2B > j.BB instead of j.B > j.B
On aerial opponents, may need to do 5A > 2B directly if opponent is too high up
May need to omit a j.B or superjump from 2B if opponent is too high
(Aerial ok) 5AAAAA (performs 5AAA > 214A > 236236C, or 236236D in red axe)
Strong corner carry, but relatively high proration
Strong meter gain, although 214A must be performed through auto-combo for the meter bonus
The beast version can be chosen if needed (e.g. if you need D beast in grey to yellow, or C beast in red, just input these manually)
Stable once 5AAA is reached
Works on opponents at more angles than you would think
2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Standard AA combo, no CH required
Adjust if too high by not doing 2nd j.B and/or super jumping
Adjust at the corner by doing j.BB
(Spike trap laid) X > 22A/B/C hit> 66 > [5B] > 236C/D dc IAD j.B
Confirming sweep/guillotine/nothing/5A/2A into spike and creating another knockdown scenario
The j.B is a safejump
Can instead [5B] > dc 2AB > 22X/236C for projectile setup, or use combo below for damage
(Spike trap laid) X > 22A/B/C hit> 66 > [5B] > 236A > winch dash jc j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Can follow up [5B] with dc 2B for an easier combo
236A follow ups get easier with corner, or if you're close to them or run into them while they're in spike
Can add a lot of corner carry by dash cancelling [5B] before 236A, but must still be very close to the opponent during [5B] for it to work
Note that 214A will cause you to be further from your opponent than normal after [5B]
If corner is reached after winch dash jc:
(Green or below) j.A > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > sj.BB > j.C > j.214B
(Yellow or above, X = 5A, 214A or worse) j.A > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B
(Yellow or above, X = nothing or sweep) j.A > j.BB > 7 dl j.2B > md 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B
Remember, sweep and nothing are your best starters
(Orb present) X > orb hit > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Standard orb confirm, low proration so can be extended in the corner
If you have enough time to charge 5B, do that instead and use standard extenders, but if not counterhit, 2B is usually all you have time for
If you only have time to 5A after the orb hits or the opponent is very high, use (5A >) j.A > j.B > j.A > j.B > ...
(CH, aerial) j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
How to confirm a CH j.B against an aerial opponent at most heights/ranges
Depending on circumstances, may need to confirm with 5A > 2B or sj j.C instead
Extend in the corner with j.BBs
(CH) 5B > 5C > 2C > [BD] > 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > 236236C/D
Standard midscreen punish combo from 5B
If OOC or not dead centre of screen, may have to confirm with 5A or dc 5A
Can be done from close range 5C/2C hits without CH, but won't work at max range 5B/5C
If possible, try to use the punish combo below instead
(CH) 2B > 5DD > 66 > [5B] > 236A > winch dash jc j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Optimal punish, but 2B has longer startup than 5B and this punish combo stops working at a shorter range than the 5B punish, making it slightly more situational
Works on aerial too, which means you don't have to wait for opponents to land
If corner is reached, after winch dash jc, go:
(Green or below) j.A > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
(Yellow or above) j.A > j.BB > 7 dl j.2B > md 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D - effectively a red axe route, but possible in yellow! 6.7k+ with C beast
If close enough, can side-switch by dashing under during 5DD
Technically will work as an AA combo if you know you will CH
(FC, grounded) 236A/B/AB > winch dash > 2A > 2B > 2C(1) > 236C > dc 5A > 236A > (orb hit) > 5D > 2AB > ~D > (md) [5B] > (dc) 236A/B > winch dash > j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236D
Chain knuckle forces fatal, making this a fatal counter confirm
Will pretty much guaranteed reach a corner no matter where you are on the screen
236C dash cancel must be ended as soon as possible into 5A, just don't hold forward after doing the cancel and you'll be fine. Against Narukami there's a weird delay before orb hits too.
If corner is reached after 2nd chain, do j.BB > j.BB > > j.C > j.214B instead
If corner visible after the first 5DD can do:
dl j.2B > [5B] > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B
Maintain distance from corner by jumping upwards or backwards as needed to ensure they don't go over your head
Yellow must be reached before 2nd j.BB, if not, do a single j.BB instead
(CH, aerial ok) 236A/B/AB > winch dash > 5AAA > sh j.2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Easier chain knuckle fatal confirm that works on aerial too, but does less damage
If close enough to corner, can do j.BBs instead, or even 5D loops if at the perfect range, at which point this does much more damage than the other route
AoA~C > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Midscreen standard AoA combo
Technically j.B > j.A > j.B > j.C is optimal and stable, for 2 more damage and 1 more SP, at the cost of some axe gauge
(AA CH) AoA > md j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
For when your AoA counterhits an aerial opponent, only way to combo this since the nerf to the hitstun of CH AoA
Only works if very close, if they aren't, just tech chase
(OOC) 214214C > IAD air turn j.2B > md 5DD > [5B] > 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Gears confirm out of corner, will work green and above, no CH required, even on aerial
Can microdash 9 jump instead of IAD
First microdash required, second microdash is purely to delay the 5B pickup, so not strictly necessary
Makes gears do approx 4k, by itself - can omit the first 5DD if green axe or below due to how tight the pickup is (loses approx 200-300 damage)
If you do get the 5D pickup but think you're too far, can instead dash 2C after [5B] and double j.BB after
(Midscreen) 214214C/D > 5AA > 5B > 2AB > 22X/236X
5A after gears has finished hitting and should always work
Oki against a grounded opponent
(Midscreen) 214214C/D > IAD (air turn) j.2B > dash j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Damage route against grounded opponent
Air turn if close (from C gears), and do not air turn if far (from D gears)
Against aerial, do 5AA > 2B > sj.B > j.C > j.214B, or can go straight into 2B > j.B > j.B if confident on timing/spacing.
(Groundbounce) j.214B/SB > j.A > j.B > j.A > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Standard confirm for an air guillotine that groundbounces
A version can do the same, but must start with 5A instead (reduces damage)
If the axe hits them, it's a mediocre starter, if the slam only hits them (if they're slightly behind/in front of the axe), it's your best starter with 0 proration
In corner, allows for full corner combos
(Crouch/aerial) 5AA > 2B > j.2B > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Note that this is possible on non-crouching in yellow
Air grab > air dash > j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 23623C/D
Works if a little bit away from the corner and you still have your dash
Be ready to adjust based on what air options you have left and where your opponent is relative to the wall/floor (far from corner = delay air dash, high up = delay j.2B)
Worst case scenario, just press j.C > j.214B
If second jump available, can extend to 9(jump) > j.A > j.BB > j.C > j.214B
(Corner) AoA~D > IAD j.2B > 7 dl j.BB > dl j.D(3) > [5B] > 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236C/D
High damage and axe/SP meter gain, not to be sniffed at
Only need to be close enough to corner to land next to the opponent in the corner after IAD j.2B
The first j.2B is very slightly delayed, which gives you more time for the next j.BB
Do not dash before [5B], as this reduces consistency of 5DD
This is due to distancing to the corner, further is more consistent with the final hits
Final j.BB doesn't work in green or below, instead just go directly into j.214B
D beast is near frame perfect, if you're worried about dropping, skip final j.BB as in the above point
If you aren't looking to kill, use [5B] after ~D for projectile setup into safejump
(CH corner) 2B > 5DD > (66) [5B] > 5D > (66) 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Corner punish - incredible damage and axe gain
Can be a bit weird if very close to corner, so if you can, try and space yourself a little bit at the start
Remember to dash after the first 5DD, and you can optionally dash after the second 5D too, which may help timing on some characters
Keep the opponent as high as possible from sweep (i.e. do it as early as possible without it whiffing) to prevent the second 5DD from dropping
You will need to delay either the 5B or the 2AB very slightly for this link to connect - this varies by both character and distance to corner due to how hurtboxes and 5D works, so practice it a lot and get a feel for it. The second optional dash can help with this timing.
Can sj.BB after j.2B for an easier combo if preferred
Possible to do a third 5DD loop in yellow or above reached before starting j.BB (go 7 dl j.2B > 5D > 2AB > 5DD), but generally this isn't needed to kill so not advised unless you really need to. Does make this a true green to red if high enough in green to start with.
(CH) 236A/B/AB > winch dash > 2A > 2B > 2C > dl 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236326C/D
Forced fatal due to chain knuckle
Green to red combo if landed, does 6k+ if red axe is reached
If yellow axe not reached by delay j.2B, do it slightly early and combo with sj.BB
Still does less damage than a 2B punish, but can be done from max chain knuckle range
(Spike trap laid) X > 22A/B/C hit> 66 > [5B] > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > sj.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Works from both sweep and A guillotine (or anything with equal or less proration)
Sweep does the most damage (approx 4.6k meterless in green)
If yellow is reached before j.BB, can j.2B low and do double j.BB instead of sj.BB, but then must omit j.C on bad starters such as 214A
Hold the [5B] longer to allow Ariadne to despawn and reposition closer if necessary
(Orb present) X > orb hit > (j.A >) j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Standard orb confirm in the corner - start with j.A if time to confirm is limited (e.g orb hits immediately after a throw/guillotine hit), otherwise starting with j.B is better
If starting with j.A, may need to s.j.BB after j.2B instead in green and below
Works from throw and poor starters like 2A > 5B > 2AB > 214A > orb hit
In general, cannot do anything more than this unless in red/fatal counter, at which point a single 5DD route is possible
Yellow axe (or above)
2A > 5B > 236A~A > dl. 214A > 236236C/D
Optimal damage route for yellow 2A confirm
Can do up to 3 2As before D beast stops working
The delay on 214A is to get a higher damage single hit, but this will still work with the double hit
However D beast will only work with up to 2 2As
5AAA > sh j.2B > 66 > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Will work in any situation (including aerial hit) where you're not close to corner
Can start with j.2B or j.BB and go from that point in the combo
Fall back to 5A > 2B if opponent is too high
If the corner is reached and the opponent bounces off the wall over your head, it is possible to pick up with 2B/[2B] and finish the combo
(Specific screen position) 5AAA > j.2B > 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Effectively a red axe route, possible given a specific wallbounce height after j.2B
Add a microdash after j.2B if far from the corner, otherwise don't (will make 5D too late)
Delay 2AB if opponent is high after 5B
Works at more ranges in red axe due to longer hitstun
(CH, aerial ok) 236A/B/AB > winch dash > 5AAA > dl sh j.2B > md 5DD > 66 [5B] > 236A > jc j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
The optimal chain knuckle confirm in yellow, and introduces delayed short hop j.2Bs, although the timing is more forgiving than the non-CH red axe versions
If corner is reached, can do j.BBs instead
Can also do [5B] > dc 2C > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D (full fatal route) if close enough to corner after the first 5DD
(CH) 2B > 5DD > 66 > [5B] > 236A > winch dash jc j.A > j.BB > 7 dl j.2B > (md) 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Punish route in yellow
Effectively a red axe route, but it works in yellow, and you only need yellow from the charge 5B
Tight timing as you have to do the dl j.2B very late, but consistent if done correctly
Can add a lot of corner carry by dash cancelling [5B] before 236A
Will work from empty spike or sweep > spike too!
Microdash before 2nd 5D should only be done if corner isn't reached
(Corner) 5AA > 2B > 9 j.BB > jump back dl j.2B > j.D (2) > s.jBB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Slightly higher damage than normal crouch confirm in green, and doesn't require crouch
Delay the first j.B for as long as possible to get the enemy closer to the ground (as if you're going to do this combo), and switch to the red route if you reach red before j.2B - act as if this is going to happen until you know it won't
Works from j.B > 5AA, very stable
(Corner) 5A > 2B > 7 j.2B > dl j.D > md [5B] > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > 236236C/D
Harder corner confirm but much higher damage
Required to be quite deep in the corner and a bit unstable, but does work from j.B > 5A too
7 j.2B immediately and j.D low to the ground for triple hit, but not too low or will whiff
On doing j.D too high, can j.B instead to pick up
(Corner reached during 5AAA) 5AAA > sh j.2B > [2B] > dl 5DD > 66 > [5B] > dc 2B > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
For when you're within kill range and hit 5AAA (does approx 5.3k damage with D super)
Delay 5DD slightly to get both hits and a more consistent combo
Have to dash for the full distance for 2B to reach
Other routes exist to keep in corner, but this will gain a lot of meter too
Usually better to do the combo above this one if not going to kill, as this takes opponent out of the corner, and the other combo can go into full red route if axe changes mid combo
Red axe only
As a reminder - these combos have been chosen as a set of combos that are easy to execute and remember, with minimal variations needed based on initial hit. Also - all your other combos will still work, so don't be afraid to fall back on these if you need to. As an example, the yellow axe variant of the mid to corner 2B punish combo still does 8.5k and is much more stable, so if you don't need more damage or corner carry, it may be sensible to use it despite getting a red fatal.
2A/5AA > 5B > sh j.B > md 5AAA > sh j.2B > 66 > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Excellent corner carry and meter gain, decent damage that only requires the opponent to be grounded, and works from j.B
Can be done from 2A (up to triple 2A, although ending will have to be shortened)
Note that the yellow axe combo at the specific range will do more damage than this, and the range at which it works is larger in red axe
Can pick up with 2B if corner is reached too early and opponent ends up above Labrys
Can use j.BBs if corner reached, but will need to omit j.C on j.B starter
Not optimal if willing to use dl sh j.2B routes
5AA > 5B > 236A~A > 214B > 236236C/D
Short damage route, good if you need to do damage in a hurry, or just in general for decent damage (approx 5k with D beast)
Does only slightly less damage than the above, but much less meter gain
Can actually be done after 5AA > 5B > sh j.B if 5B is omitted, and will do more damage than above, but for still less meter gain, and will make any follow-ups worse.
(FC) 2B > 9 dl j.2B > 66 > 5D > 2AB > ~D > md [5B] > ...
Fatal combo beginning - can be done from j.B > 5AA also, but the more moves you do before entering this route, the worse the damage is, and final j.Cs may need to be dropped
Works from air hits of j.B or 5A also, but will need to delay 5A/2B until they're close to the ground to fully combo
Also works from chain knuckle fatals in red if you winch in and 2A
Timing must be learned - practice this well. This is your ToD if you do it right
If starting with 2B, delay j.2B until very close to the ground to allow for both hits of 5D to connect. If starting with something else then leading into 2B, don't delay j.2B as much and aim to pick up with just the top hit of 5D instead
can jump with 8 instead of 9 after 2B for an easier connection with 5D (and 5D will always land both hits this way), but does have less corner carry, and you'll lose a lot of damage if you're not able to use 2C to follow up. Also use 8 if too close to wall.
Try to microdash where possible (after 5D and before charge 5B) - may be necessary depending on distancing and route. For example, microdashing before the first 2AB is necessary if you do a 9 jump after a non-2B starter.
(midscreen) ... > 236A > winch dash > jc j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
This is the route if you don't reach a corner, which is rare but may happen. Can do j.BBs instead if the corner is reached
the [5B] can be dash cancelled before 236A to make this always reach the corner, but won't work on some characters
(closeish to corner) ... > 66 > 2B > (dl) 2C > (dl) 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Doable as long as the 2B connects and 2C lower hits connect
Gets very hairy if the starter is too bad, so may need to omit j.C if starting with 5A
If deep in the corner, delay 2C and 5D to have them connect
Use this route against characters that are harder to pick up with 2C (see below)
(corner reached early) > 66 > 2C > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Same as above, but going straight into 2C, possible from roundstart enemy position with correct dash distances
2C must be done as soon as possible, which will put Ariadne behind Labrys and cause the correct spacing (if Labrys has reached the corner during the dash)
Highest damage midscreen variant - does approximately 9000 damage meterless if done with 2B as the starter
2C pickup more picky on certain characters due to differences in groundslide hurtboxes, notable difficult characters are Liz, Margaret, Yukari, Chie and Junpei. The higher the character on the charge 5B, the easier the pickup is, and you can hold [5B] a little longer to help with this. If they are too low, you can 5C > 2C > 5D instead, but this will do less damage and has a different timing (all immediate).
Technically optimal to do the variant with 214B, but learning it this way is helpful and more stable
(FC, OOC) 2B > 5DD > dash under [5B] > 44 > 2C/2B > ... (see above for possible routes)
Possible to switch sides and do corner combos - only really necessary if very close to the corner (wallbounce combos won't work OOC), otherwise do midscreen combos
Note that the 5D 2C interaction will be unique here, meaning it may be safer to confirm with 2B
(CH) Grab > 2A > dl 2B > 8 dl j.2B > 66 > 5D > md 2AB > ~D > md [5B] > 236A > winch dash > jc j.A > j.B > j.B > j.C > j.214B > 236236C/D
Midscreen CH grab in red - note that while the combo does gain fatal counter properties, the proration from grab starters means this is still quite tight
Requires a tight delay on 2B after 2A, if you do it too early, delay the j.2B less and pick up with j.B after dashing
Can add j.BBs if corner is reached
Dashes are important, don't miss them
If OOC, must go 2A > dl 2B > 5DD > ... as wallbounce combos don't work OOC. Also possible to do this midscreen, but does less damage and corner carry
5A(A) > 2B > 9 j.BB > jc dl j.2B > 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > charge 5B > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > 214B > 236236C/D
6900 damage with D beast (which is meterless as you gain 67 meter during this)
If not going to kill, consider setting up a knockdown with [5B] > 236D/22X near the end
Is also the confirm for non-CH 2B/j.A or air hit j.B CHs too (go straight into j.BB if possible)
Omit the second hit of 5AA from j.B (5A into 2B directly) to do more damage
You're looking to hit 5D as far from the corner as possible, while still having the 2nd 5D work. Using a 9 jump and reaching corner will do this automatically, but if you're too far, consider microdashing after j.2B (if you're not too far, specifically don't do this)
Delay the first j.B for as long as possible to get the enemy closer to the ground (if done correctly, they won't be able to tech until they land)
Delay the first jump cancel slightly which will put Labrys at the same height as the opponent rather than being below them (so you can j.2B them closer to the ground)
j.2B as close to the ground as possible to get both hits of 5D
First sweep timing depends on height - delay them enough to hit, but keep the enemy as high as possible to make the rest connect. 2nd sweep timing is character dependent, generally thinner characters get hit twice by 5D so the sweep must be delayed
j.C is omitted at the end of the combo, and D beast is very tight on non-fatal
Only requires red from the second hit of j.BB
(Corner) 2A > 5B > sh j.B > md 5A > 2B > 7 j.2B > dl j.D > md [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B
2A confirm for the corner, can only be done from single 2A
Similar to corner yellow, but with some omissions due to starter
(FC) 2B > dl 2C > dl 5D > 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > 8 dl j.2B > j.BB > j.BB > j.C > j.214B > 236326C/D
Effectively the same as the chain knuckle corner route from 2C onwards
Try to keep the opponent as high as possible during 5D > 2AB to make sure the 5D follow-up hits correctly
Can be done from j.B and/or 5A, but will need to omit j.C if these are used to start the combo, and will reduce the damage
If not fully in corner (i.e 2C won't hit properly), can start either:
2B > 5DD > [5B] > dc 2C > 5D > 5B > 2AB > ... (works from quite far from the corner, but does require the 2C pickup to work)
Just go into the non CH red 5A corner route above, which still does very high damage
Possible to do a third 5DD loop (7 dl j.2B > 5D > 2AB > 5DD), but generally this isn't needed to kill and is a bit sketchy for a couple hundred damage, so not advised. Unless the difference between 9200 and 9500 damage matters, don't worry about this. Also possible to do IAD j.BB > (reversed) 236A~A > 214B after this third loop, but again, more as an exercise in fun/showing off due to the additional risk.
(CH) Grab > 2A > 236A > winch dash > 9 jc j.BB > 7 dl j.2B > 5D > md 5B > 2AB > ~D > [5B] > 5D > 2AB > ~D > j.BB > j.BB > j.214B > 236236D
Odd beginning due to unique combination of high proration and fatal, but easy to do once you remember it, just don't add any moves otherwise it'll drop
Does 4642 damage without super, 6802 with, and gains 67SP during the combo itself
Note no j.C due to proration issues
Can be done very far from the corner by adjusting the dl j.2B from a 7 jump to an 8 jump or even a 9 jump.
Last updated